Vision Beyond Comparison

Pixel Hall Productions is a team of Hong Kong wedding cinematographers led by Ethan Li. Known for their exquisite cinematography and moving story-telling.

Our professional crew is listening but not dealing with our clients. Our greatest wish is to understand your unique needs, as same as your desire in getting more information about our company. We promised to provide you the best services as we maintain better understanding with each other.

Our vision is simple, capturing your story in the most truthful, beautiful way possible that will hopefully inspire others like your selves. This vision has been cherished not only by our clients, but also by our team of film-makers because it gives us a purpose in doing our work.

We truly hope that our work may resonate in your heart, allowing you to see the immense possibilities of how your own story can also inspire others.

Pre-wedding Films



Quotes From Our Brides & Grooms

  • Pixel Hall Productions 是十分專業的團隊!拍攝製作非常認真,充滿熱誠,把我的結婚短片拍成電影一樣,我已經累透的時候他們還是充滿力量,十分專業!

    - 葉翠翠 -
  • Thank you Ethan, Kit and Calvin, for the great work you did for our wedding! we love the SDE so much! wish you successful and happy as always!

    - Cally & Sai Leung -
  • Water It’s awesome and totally much more than expected

    U and ur team contributed the most efforts to make our wedding perfect
    Cannot wait to see the full set of the masterpiece that u all made to us

    - Clare & Matthew -
  • 看了很多遍還是會掉眼淚,很感謝Pixel HALL 在我們BIG DAY 的幫忙,感謝 Fung and Kenny 細心的安排和指示,使我們很容易投入每個post,謝謝你們的用心,我們和家人朋友都很喜歡這段珍貴的早拍晚播,這更會成為我們將來最美好的回憶,THANK YOU Pixel Hall Productions!!;)

    - Sze Ting & Sze Leung -
  • 您地拍同剪既片真係拍得好好!! 好有張力呀~T_T每次睇段片我都又笑又喊 辛苦晒您地 我同班姊妹咁煩 您地都陪我地癲咁耐 好開心搵倒fung team幫我big day拍片 第時我生左bb一定再搵您地拍video!!

    - Sugar & Mavis -
  • 好感動,Fung team好有質素,服務態度又好,Pixel Hall真係好專業既團隊,好有heart,睇一次感動一次,一定會推介身邊朋友. 睇得出Pixel Hall拍既片好用心好有heart..攝影師好專業,完全附合到新娘子要求。睇一次,感動一次。 我如果結婚都唔會少得fung team架

    - Sugar's Bridesmaid -
  • Ethan出品,必屬佳品又幾呷韻 hahaha…… 真係巧鬼鍾意條片,巧正 \(^^)/ , Ethan Li 唔該晒你呀 >333<

    - Kei & Issac -
  • Pixel Hall Productions正到暈,幕幕都咁美麗動人! 全靠佢地,我地先可以放心地Enjoy our big day! it’s really perfect, everyone is enjoying it! 好玩!放心!認真!感動! 謝謝Ethan 悉心為我地準備意想不到的驚喜, 我好多shot都好鐘意好鐘意,最自然最真情流露的每一刻都被佢捕足了,連喊都喊得靚過人。 謝謝Kit 攝影師為我地準備的lomo feel 鏡頭, 看着佢閃閃發光的雙眼就知佢實映到我地好正。謝謝你欣賞我地為婚禮上所花的心血和心思 謝謝你地的團隊,多謝你地欣賞我的小手作,細心認真又感性的團隊,捕捉這重要日子每一個珍貴moment。 利申:我不是槍手,我真的是片中的女主角。萬分感激Pixel Hall 幫我同老婆影到又型又靚,非常專業,無與倫比。Ethan 年紀輕輕拍得如此水準,前途無限

    - Yannes & James -
  • Thank you Pixel Hall!!! I like the wedding film sososo much and just keep watching it repeatedly these days, just can’t tell how much I love it tongue emoticon All of u are so kind and professional! Making everyone can enjoy the day so much and no need to worry. 連兄弟姊妹都不停讚你哋,話你哋仲落力過我同Tim thanks again!! 我而家四圍同d未結婚的friend推薦你哋!因為我覺得你們實在太好了!

    - Kathy & Tim -
  • Coyran & Oscar 多謝Ethan Li 你真係超好人,你知唔知段早拍晚播我日睇夜睇,一日睇十幾次,個個都讚你地拍得好!!繼續支持你!!

    - Coyran & Oscar -
  • 我地真係超級喜歡呢條片好配合我地既福爾摩斯懷舊主題!!兄弟姊妹都追我地要返條片!! 多謝晒!!

    - Chico & Kitson -
  • Ethan 真係好多謝你地丫,果日拍既片簡直係不得了,勁多人讚口不絕,果然係大師級真係好喜歡,謝謝你們。期待你upload既片可以不斷重溫,哈哈哈哈!

    - 芬芬 & 陳捷 -
  • Ethan , Thanks so much ah. U really make a great big day video for us.
    I know I always black face due to rush schedule and family request, however , u and Eric really did a good job to make a excellent Video for us.
    Actually I am still on trip for my honeymoon, I always watch back the MV, really great.
    U record what I smile and what I am touching moment. This memory is worth for my coming life with kelvin
    之前一路未有時間多謝你,但luckily,可以搵到你地。My perfect choice is to meet u guys

    - Jessica and Kelvin -
  • We love your film and we are thankful for your effort in helping us to capture our “forever” and “always” theme with footages of my diy shoes to our vows, and especially for helping us to get the song we wanted. Thank you for including our cats and our first dance in the video! I know your team worked very hard under time constraints on that day. Although we have been certain that our film will be great from the moment we booked your team, we must say that the editing truly exceeds our expectations! Thank you again!

    - Jennifer & Wing -
  • 我真係好慶幸我選左 Pixel Hall Productions,因為真係拍得好好好正! Wedding 之後我親戚朋友都同我講段 video 好感動,拍得好靚!

    - Hebe & Bryant -
  • 尋日真係辛苦哂你地呀,個個都話早拍晚播條片好正!一流神级作品,睇到笑到肚痛,眼淚自動流出,謝謝你們!THX!

    - Mi & Man -
  • Ethan 非常感謝你及你的團隊 今日順順利利多得你地的提點 老實的說,我地段片我從來都無擔心過,因為我無睇過一個Pixel Hall 既作品係唔好睇既! 你之前既作品都大部分都有睇,好多人都勁讚!you are genius!!

    祝你地生意興隆,愈做愈大,繼續衝出香港, 叻仔號真係好叻仔!

    - Elke and Faith -
  • 再次感謝您哋, 鐘意你哋0既用心,帶歡樂給在場所有人, 亦都係我想要的! 當然我哋好鐘意啊~ ^^

    你地拍出黎無論故事、剪接都仍然係高水準,多謝晒 兄弟姊妹都話要N歌再欣賞呢段咁精彩既「星戰」

    - Max and Timmy -
  • You guys are incredibly professional and wholehearted team. High recommended, many many thanks.And one more thing Pixel Hall makes the difference is that the team is making wedding film but not same day edit. Two thumbs up 🙂

    - Jessica and Summer -
  • 阿水,多謝你為我地拍左條咁靚既片:) 我媽媽睇得好開心呀~多謝你~

    - Bonnie & Dany -
  • 多謝Ethan同呀水你地幫我地拍左咁多咁珍貴嘅甜蜜片段!!每次睇你啲片我都覺得好溫馨,當時嘅感覺又湧上心頭! 更加多謝你特登加插沖繩片段入朝拍晚播,我地好喜出望外!!成個感覺好豐富,好完滿!!多謝你俾呢份好好嘅結婚禮物俾我地!!你真係好有心思!!! 你要加油!一路為更加多愛侶製造浪漫嘅時間錦囊!!! 多謝你!!!

    - Janny & Schubert -
  • 真係好開心無揀錯Pixel Hall Productions,完完全全拍到我想要既感覺 之前左睇右睇,

    都係最鍾意Pixel Hall啲片既風格 我自己loop咗成10次,仲係好回味當日嘅情景 真係拍得非非非非常好!!!!!!!

    好多感動位都capture到,仲拍得好靚 明明喊得都幾醜,但段片睇落變左感動樣…Thanks Pixel Hall Team!!!!

    - DingDing & Jeffery -
  • Ethan,真係非常喜歡你地的製作,我地第二朝訓醒,牙都未刷就係被窩入面睇條SDE!




    - Nicole & Sunny -
  • 水…我宜家都會成日睇番當日段片,每一次睇都令到當日回憶番曬黎,好開心好感動,many thanks

    - Shirley & Alex -
  • Ethan and Pixel Hall Productions, thank you so much for such fantastic video for our wedding we love it super much

    - Tobey & Ray -
  • Ethan!! just want to share with you that we and our guest like the same day edit very much, thank you!!

    - Hazel & Albert -
  • Ethan, thanks for your amazing work on our big day. Have to admit that I teared up a bit as I watched it. Thanks for your awesome work!

    - Natasha & Enoch -
  • Water, just want to say thank you for the SDE, we love it very much!!

    - Lamlam & Ki -
  • 非常滿意你們的作品,祝你們生意蒸蒸日上!已經介紹你們公司比多位朋友祝你們生意蒸蒸日上,身體健康

    - Austin and Florence -
  • Thx for giving us the best SDE ever !!!!!! Thx for bringing us a special & remarkable video.

    It not just only surpised my husband and I but also the guests. Big thanks XD

    - Florence Lo -
  • 謝謝你,我好鍾意段早拍晚播。亦感謝你的祝福,願你工作事事順利!

    - Ryan Fan -
  • 再睇左好多次,容我粗鄙少少。「正 到 仆 街」

    - Chiu Tang -
  • 堅正!堅秋正!真心超級多謝你地既用心!成條片都所有野都好detail!

    Thank you very much!我已經做左你地既宣傳人員了!加油!Keep it on!

    - Nicky Lei -
  • 好正點!多謝你為我地製作左一段有笑有淚既早拍晚播,短短的時間製作到咁好,真係好勁!!加油啊!!你地真係好叻

    - Shiri Sio -
  • Ethan you guys did a great job! Thanks for your wonderful work! Me and my wife love it so much!

    - Curion & Ceci -
  • 雖然時間緊迫,場地要求嚴謹,但你們仍是有耐心,一絲不苟地完成片段,謝謝給我們留下最好的回憶!

    - Isis & Gilbert -
  • Thank you Pixel Hall! You are the best crew that I ever met! It’s really a masterpiece! Thank you once again! I’m 大姑奶呀!

    - Jovita Lee (親友) -
  • 多謝你地呀,影得好靚,當日真係好熱好辛苦,但你地好專業~ 非常感激~~~

    - Sarah Ho -
  • Love this video so much! Thanks Ethan & Eric for your video!你地努力製作多D好片比更多新人!!

    - Cherie Leung & Iron -
  • Ethan 多謝晒!!!!好鍾意!!! 我地揀既歌你夾得好好呀!

    - Kinki & Z -
  • 恭喜恭喜!拍得好正啊!先係chok到笑左之後你倆讀誓詞家姐睇返都被你的感性攪到鼻酸酸!

    - Au Yeung Vivian (親友) -
  • 多謝Jacky眾好友! 多謝 Pixel Hall 為 Minne & Jacky制作如此高水準Video !! 各位真摰表現,加上配樂,極度感動我睇完又睇….

    - Peter Tung (新人爸爸) -
  • 好正,拍得好好,各位尊業的攝影拍攝下,更加為我兒子同新袍添上婚禮中的光彩,




    - Shirley Lee (新人媽媽) -
  • 太強的「早拍晚播」 ! 多謝 Ethan and Pixel Hall 工作人員! 段片真係好靚!

    - Desmond & Alice -
  • Amazing production, they filmed this, edited it, and showed it live at the wedding.

    Surreal, You guys worked tirelessly with heavy camera in 35c heat!!

    - Ian Paul Oliver-Hulme (Groomsman) -
  • Thank you so so much guys. 真心多謝你地,感受到你地既專業同埋上心,到尾聲,知道大家已經辛苦左一日,已經很累,但都盡力幫我地拍下每一個重要時刻。


    - Victoria Chan -
  • The short video is ‘JOB WELL DONE’ . People still talking about how ‘AMAZING’ is was put together.  The bar is set very high, Thank You.

    - Mar and Wai Wing -
  • The video is fantastic, Ethan you really did a great job!

    The guests really loved it. It is so good that you might have not business from singapore

    My friends are asking me where I took the video and who took it for us!

    - Jikun and HuiBing (Singapore Client) -
  • 辛苦晒攝影團隊,你地全部都好落力,而且好幫得手,好榮幸可以搵到你幫手影big day,祝你生意蒸蒸日上,相好靚好鍾意呀,


    - Ivy Fung -
  • We loveeeee it soooo much!!

    It brings us happy tears and memories!

    We love love love this beautiful video so much, u captured all the happiest and sweetest moments.

    Thank you Pixel Hall Productions, it makes me cry whenever I watch it, thank you everyone for being part of our happiest day specially with your thoughtfulness when capturing and editing

    - Charmaine Leung -
  • 美麗的新娘,英勇的新郎,感人的誓詞,動聽的音樂,


    - Pui Sze -
  • 多謝你Ethan…個個都激讚,超級靚,尋日辛苦哂,

    個早拍晚播好正呀,成個MV禁,超正!簡直以為自己是拍緊MV ,個個都激讚,

    多謝你花禁多心機幫我剪片,我好中意,非常專業既一team 拍攝隊伍!

    - Joyce and Ian -
  • 好精彩的Same day edit,我地都好鐘意,尋晚忍唔住重溫左幾次,


    - Ivy and Pong -
  • 一眾攝影師既表現得到在場及我們雙方家人既極高讚賞及肯定。精彩拍攝,完美剪接~!!!Thanks:)

    - Kenji and Wing -
  • 好感動,睇得我眼濕濕,唔係一般婚禮片,好似mv咁,剪接得好,鏡頭與鏡頭之間好順暢,配合得宜,正呀!


    - Elaine Wong -
  • 攝錄大師的另一頂級之作!

    - Wipman Lo -
  • 因為實在太感動,當天現場我忍不住淚水,昨晚因為Karman沒有觀禮,我再開這短片給她看,我們又忍不住淚水!

    - Tony Li (親友) -
  • 好感動一路睇眼淚不停流,祝你地白頭到老,永結同心。

    - Ceci Wong (親友) -
  • 辛苦你們了。要你們邊行邊影。在緊逼的時間內為我們拍下好多珍貴的畫面。剪出這段好笑又感人的早拍晚播。

    非常感謝你們!!!期待你們為我們拍的big day相及精華片段:)

    - Emily Wong -
  • Thankssss again to Ethan Li & team. A really touching same day edit…

    Thank you for creating such high quality movie for us, we are so blessed!


    - Leona and Raymond -
  • Thanks for the good work of Pixel Hall team!!! I like the video so so much!!

    Yes really thanks so much, we are so happy yesterday!!

    Many guest love the sde also!!

    - Vava and Kapo -
  • 你地既早拍晚播真係好正, 個個都好評!! 好勁丫你地!


    - Edith and Raymond -
  • 多謝你地呀!真係誠意之作!


    Love this video so much! Thanks Ethan and Eric for your video!

    - Cherie and Iron -
  • Pixel Hall Team we are so happy to have you with us! Your work is appreciated!. Thank you!

    - Eva and Edmund -
  • 雖然時間緊迫、場地要求也較嚴謹,


    謝謝! 謝謝給我們留下最好的回憶! 

    - Isis and Gilbert -
  • Excellent quality and production value for a same day edit! Looked like an awesome day.

    It is lovely to see that love prevails throughout the world. Beautiful locale and customs

    - Bridesmaid Donna Hulme -
  • Thank you Ethan’s team during the day.

    It was a very very HOT day, and your team still produced this great video.

    Brilliant! Thank you!

    - Margaux and Wai Wing -
  • Thank you sooooo much for the awesome same day edit video! Everyone loves it!!

    - May and Wilson -
  • Thanks Ethan for helping us made a wonderful and unforgettable video.

    U are a great videographer. I will highly recommend u to my friends!

    - Natalie and Simon -
  • 多謝你呀!! 真係好堅呀你!!

    - Minne and Jacky -

(Mouse on the quote and click the arrow to read the next one!)




What We Provide

1-4 Videographer(s)

Same Day Edit Wedding Film (On Site)

4K Aerial Shooting

Full Version Video

2 DVDs with Boxset (QR Code Online Play Function)

HD Video (PC Files)

Pre-Wedding Announcement Video

Love Story Short Film Shooting

Childhood Video

Long-Term Photographer Partners

Q & A

Why do you and your team look so young?
This is a frequently asked question by our clients. And what we can say is that we are not looking young, we are actually young. The average age of our team is 24. Being young whatsoever worked to our advantage, as we tend to be more energetic and passionate to develop our own unique style of editing.

As early as the age of sixteen, Ethan learnt to document weddings and other special events through videography, he soon dove into the world of video editing because it is videography that really hit Ethan’s interest.

Instead of an elaborate marketing scheme, Pixel Hall Team has relied on letting their works and former clients speak in their behalf. This has paved way to the creation of their own niche in the wedding videography business.

What equipment does your team use?
We’ve always maintained that the tools are only as good as the person using them. But that said, we currently use the Canon 5D Mark III, Sony A7s for our shoots. We also deploy a crane, 3-axis gimbal steadicam, slider and aerial shooting, providing extra-ordinary shooting angles and camera motion. We edit on Premiere Pro, run on Macs.

Also, Capturing great audio is just as crucial as capturing a great picture. We provide wireless microphones for all of the sources at your ceremony. For the reception and speeches, a direct audio feed from the microphone mixer will definitely give you the best results.

Why we recommend two videographers instead of one on your wedding day?
In order to produce a romantic and creative wedding video, we recommend two videographers on your wedding day. It is important to capture multiple angles, especially during the registration ceremony. One videographer mainly focusing on the ceremony, while the other one could capture the audience’s responses and different angles (close ups) of you. One videographer usually isn’t enough.
When should we arrive on your wedding day?
We normally arrive at 8:30am. Bride should finish makeup before we arrive, so we could make use of the time to take the great shots. It would be good for spending 45 minutes to capture the bride, then spend 30 minutes to capture the groom before starting the games.
How long we need to make a same day edit video on your wedding day?
A same day edit is essentially your wedding video, edited on the day of and ready to view at the reception. In my opinion, this is one of the best ways to entertain your guests. The look on their faces when they see you walking down the isle and realizing it just happened a few hours ago, is priceless.

With that said, a same day edit, or as we call it SDE, requires a lot of skills and experience. The movie has to be completed before your guests leave and in most cases that leaves us about 4 hours to edit! We suggest you enjoy the same day edit after you dressed up the clothes for toasting (around 9:30pm).

Is the final edited video strictly around 45 minutes?
Nope. It’s just an approximate. But the length of the wedding video is greatly dependent on what happens in the actual wedding day.
Who picks the music?
We do. Please allow us that. We are experienced team and we are confident to get the feel for what kind of music suits your big day. If you have any ideas though, we are always ready to listen.
Can I work or intern for you?
Approach us and you will know.
What if Ethan are booked on my date?
Then we’ll have the utmost pleasure of introducing you to my other team’s videographer. They’ll exceed expectations. We promise.
Do you shoot outside of Hong Kong?
As a matter of fact we do. We’ve went to Italy, Los Angles, Hawaii, Macau, Prague, Bali, Okinawa, Tokyo, Osaka, Taiwan, Shanghai, Beijing etc.
What have you learned through your working experience in this business?
Breakfast before every wedding
Be nice to everybody (including grumpy photographers)
Bring extra batteries and memory cards
Never be late
Your bride is your queen. Do as she wishes


Contact Us

WhatsApp Enquiry: +852 9270 2446

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